how much would money you give to something you truly believe in?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Crucified ,

Today , Jesus was WRONGLY crucified.
There are no words to explain how i feel about this.
I don't understand how someone who loves everyone so much
can be killed just like that.
During his long walk , he fell down beside me.
I was trying to be strong for him, but i couldn't and
I fell apart, I was sobbing . But i have a weird feeling everything will be alright.
Im just so upset because he was such a good person and really didnt deserve it.
To be backstabbed is truly hard, but for it to cost you your life, is even worse.
rest in peace Jesus.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Annoiting his feet

Today , I annoited jesus' feet. I really feel like we are becoming so much closer. i even showed my hair while doing it. i wanted to show him that i respect him and would do anything for him. i hope he understands. it was remarkable feeling , being able to do that to him. i think i showed him how much i really do care. =]

Monday, May 10, 2010

Jesus came to me at his tomb.

After Jesus' death , i went to visit his body at the tomb. His body was not there *gasp* , when i turned around he was right beside me. I felt so blessed to be next to him, i felt something special. Then he was gone and i ran to John to tell him that the body of Jesus was gone . John ran extremly fast , with apostles closely behind him. They all believed Jesus' body had been stolen. I truly did not know what to believe , i was more worried then anything. Jesus is the one friend i cared about the most.